Wednesday 28 March 2018

Piece of Cake

The bakery is intimate in preparing the cakes to the customer who not really eat too much of the cakes. They cut the cakes into mini size instead in slice. With this, I can craving different flavors of the cakes without feeling full with only eat a slice of cakes. :D

You may choose the cakes from 1, 4, 6, 12, 24 piece and the price range from RM2 and above. I pick 6 flavor include kiwi tart, oreo cheese, strawberry cheese, bluberry cheese, mango yogurt andpeanut chocolate cheesecake. For me, the taste of these cakes are ordinary. However, peanut chocolate is rare from bakery shop and make me choose it.

As overall, the bread in Piece of Cake is novel and you will feel very excited during stroll in the house. The price is reasonable, not too high. The taste of the cakes is just right, not too sweet, and you no need worry about greasy. I even finish the cakes by my own. Will come back and try the Durian Cream Cakes if pass by.


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