Wednesday 28 March 2018

Tutorial for Remote Control VW Bus Cake!

Some behind the scene photos of the making of this cake…

White Almond and Chocolate Sour Cream cakes carved and added to a prepared remote control platform.

Covered in buttercream,

And then a layer of fondant.

Details added.

More details and some edible shellac spray by Chef Rubber

Wafer paper “Just Married” banner license plate.
I cut little rectangles of wafer paper, wrote the letters on with an edible marker while looking at a font I liked online, brushed on a line of shortening around the edges and sprinkled on some silver disco dust.
I used a little hydrangea paper punch to punch two layers of petals for each flower, and used the edible marker to draw on the centers. 
I attached the banner onto the back of the cake using shortening.


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